Thursday, October 13, 2005



There is a story, one that is working a way into the hearts and minds of people that care.

As you will see there is much that I care to share about all things that should concern everyone.

I would like to thank Maggie for introducing me to, she also has a blog Here her blog is called Marginal Views. Maggie has a very insightful site, she is very inspirational, Thank You my friend.

Have you ever considered the Evolution of Religion? Click on This Link

How about if you take the D.O.D (Devil out of the Details) instead of Having the D.I.D. (Devil in the Details) and what would such a thing do to our world? Especially in matters that concern our Security and the D.O.D. (Department of Defense)

Do you love Civil liberties and Freedom?

Would you like to view more of my writings and thoughts? I've started a journal which I plan to update reguarly. Here is My Journal



At 10/15/2005 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa! you have been busy. I just took a tour of your blog site and you have added all sorts of (very) interesting parts.

go you, Gary!!

carry on.
and beautiful, strong writing days to you, buddy.


At 10/15/2005 1:07 PM, Blogger Gary said...

Thank you Maggie, yes I have been busy.

And I have only just begun.

What a vision.

So much to do and so much to say.

Thank You my friend.


At 10/29/2005 6:53 PM, Blogger Gary said...

Hi Frankie,

Thank you...

At 11/30/2005 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Gary. I check ever so often but haven't seen any additions to your blog. Am I missing where or have you been soooo busy (with life) that you haven't blogged lately. Hope you had a happy thanksgiving, ol' buddy. warm regards, Maggie Rose

At 1/11/2006 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Gary. just dropping in to say hey again. it's been a busy season and haven't had much chance to visit lately.
glad to see your photo posted and the details of your different user names.
hope all is well for you, buddy.


At 1/13/2006 9:05 PM, Blogger Gary said...

Hi Maggie,

Well now when did you sneak in and post that message?

I need a date stamp on my blog for comments to know how long ago it was that I have been sleeping and not monitoring my site properly.

Silly me, 1-13-06

Great to see you and hey did you check out NPT12 on beliefnet? (Nurturing and Positive thinking #12)

Look at this, ask and you will receive?


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