Saturday, October 08, 2005


Introduction to understanding the very meaning of a word.

Have you ever noticed that words can have more than one meaning and the meanings can be completely opposite? Words can play like oxymorons or double-entendres there dichotomy is vast and even the most well intentioned speaker can be taken out of context if you focus only on a single word or a single meaning of a word. For meanings can also have more than one word to describe a thought. How can we clearly communicate if there are so many variables and barriers that can get in the way of what we are trying to say? If you are speaking to an english scholar you might be saying one thing and meaning another, they can break down the sentence structure to singular points and then rebuild the sentence to say or mean something that was never intended.

I would say that in repairing all things it is good to know how the individual works for the whole, but don't overlook the whole creation when fixing an individual problem. Always keep in mind that the creation is the sum of all of it's parts. If one part is broken or weak, the entire structure can deteriorate. How many people have a problem identifying a broken element in our government, in our religions and in the individual families, when lies like cancer exist to destroy decency.

You can find more definitions of words that seem rather ambiguous. (Click on this link to go to my blog - Teachings)

Teaching, teachers to teach and remember what it was like to begin learning so that everyone can learn to teach.

Heaven is forever,

The Earth shall pass away,

Heaven is that place where the light of love and life is at peace. A sphere like a star in the distance, but in the presence of Heaven you know, You know the peace of GOD and your only desire is to be as close to the heart of GOD, the goal to be in the center by inviting GOD into the center of your life and to live as full and vibrantly to Help others, find their way in Truth.

Prayer, a form of Communication

Where two or more are gathered that is where you can find GOD at work. The people that write and talk to others are the people that are able to engage the tools of society for the needs that must be met for each and every request and praise.

Peace and Accountability,

GOD Bless,



At 10/09/2005 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Gary,

beautifully expressed!

best regards,


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