Tuesday, October 04, 2005

My Links

The links that I have posted are links to programs that I try to listen to as much as I can. Some of the programs that I enjoy overlap each other so I will listen for the best of the best.

Edited March 12, 2006 1:38 PM (Due to a change of station Radio 107.5 is no longer affiliated with the Christian format from the Boyertown station, probably do to a change of station or channel ownership, bye - bye, 107.5 Alive as of 3-8-06 noon?)

Some shows that I listen to do offend me, because the people are teaching a false belief, the problem is that they are ignorant to what they are teaching.

So I listen and know that it is not easy to teach an old dog new tricks, eventually I hope to reach the heart of even the staunchest resister to peace.

  • Insight for Living

  • Revive Our Hearts

  • While listening to Insight for living I have to note that I certainly do not agree with the concept of hell even though there is more mention of eternal damnation and a lake of fire than there is about the place of peace in the presence of GOD the heart of which we should all strive to attain. Chuck Swindol did a great message on 1-20-06 about Simon asked by Jesus who is that you say I am, and I could envision that Simon looked all around the room and said that You are the Christ, as his gaze came back to Jesus, for Jesus would know that he alone could not do the work of GOD and provide the salvation for the world but that the world would have to work together as one to bring peace to earth. Any teachings other than the community working together to bless each other would be a false teaching.

    I can only tolerate but a moment of James Dobson while I enjoy most of what Chuck Swindol preaches as well as Nancy Leigh DeMoss.

    (Another edit 7-11-2009: It seems that this radio station 107,5 FM after three years is once again broadcasting as a Christian source of information news and music.)

    I love to listen to Marty and Radio Times, I think she gets it.

    I hope that you can take a moment from time to time to listen to programs such as these. And even better if you can support these programs.

    I called in twice, to Radio Times if you access the archives you can hear the conversations that caught my attention.

    Once on 12-20-04 in regard to law and cases, maybe if you would like to hear what I sound like when complaining about what I’ve been through and the things I’ve seen.

    You can listen to the archived show and hear me at 38:55 I was traveling through New Hope when I called in.

    And I wrote about calling in on another occasion, and wrote this about the experience.

    The Working of the mind.

    Of Abusiveness and Pacifists

    GOD does have a sense of humor, LOL Listen on Real Player at 45:21 in the second hour today 1/31/05 and follow the conversation...

    Should we have a male and female representation at all tables or should we see each gender as having the same make up of the same brain that can work similarly treating people I am aired at 47:30 I'm really sorry for the background noise it is the diesel engine and road noise.

    It is a good listen...

    What happens after my call, the amygdala defense? Come on lets look deeper into who are the people that are protecting the profits of bad psychiatry? Keep an open mind and ask questions...

    Is this interview slanted to control other people...

    Of the Good and the Bad it will all be brought together.

    Now to e-mail, A Kiss to die for, the Evolution of Religion, A vision for the future, and how animals relate to each other.

    These works together might make a very good read as a small book; I would really like to share these ideas with you.

    Thank You


    At 10/05/2005 8:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hi Gary,

    wow. I love the title of your blog.

    and I like the colors--with the darker background framed with a lighter writing space.

    and I really like it that you kept the day's comment short and perfectly focused...uhm, I've yet to figure out how to do that!! LOL!! my bad.

    success with your blog, buddy.


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